Your business succeeds through careful, strategic planning. Allow us to create an effective solution for your practice through experienced and objective management services. You maintain control of your practice, while we make sure your practice has a bright future.
- Create strategic plan
- Coordinate shareholder buy/sell agreements
- Provide oversight of general business activity
- Coordinate outside accounting and legal services
- Coordinate physician employment agreements
- Assist shareholders with corporate real estate transactions
- Coordinate banking services and financing arrangements
- Negotiate major equipment purchases
- Prepare financial trend analysis
- Review and recommend corporate insurance products for: malpractice, general liability, errors and omission, cyber, fiduciary/ ERISA, and employment practices liability
- Monitor corporate cash flow
- Coordinate year-end profit sharing plan and 401k plan activities
- Provide cash management services for payroll, accounts payabl,e and all other corporate financial obligations, including bank fund transfers and ACH bank transactions
- Assist shareholders with strategic planning activities
- Coordinate medical malpractice, workers’ compensation and general liability claims activity
- Assist with meaningful use attestations
- Assist with meeting incentive requirements and payment avoidance
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